
Welcome and thanks for stopping by. I'm a voracious reader and artist. A lot of love, time and effort goes into everything I create and there isn't anything more fulfilling than knowing that one of your creations has put a smile on someone's face.
As an artist, my primary medium is pencil. I have been drawing since as I was child, but as time passed I developed a love for photography and painting as well.
As an author, I specialize in contemporary romance with a touch of action and drama. While working full-time, I began writing in the evenings, during commutes, using just about any spare time I could find. I've completed my first novel, which will be part of a series, and I've started the publishing process. I can't wait for you to read it and enjoy falling in love with the characters.
In the future I plan to create a children's book series that will combine both my artistic and writing skills.