Renée Y. Lewis
Author and Artist

Author Q&A


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Author Q&As

How did you come up with the plot for this book?
At times I've contemplated just picking up and moving across the country and starting over with a new job or career. So while I was trying to come up with a plot for my first novel I decided to use this as the foundation for the storyline. I’m also a hopeless romantic and I truly believe that there is someone out in the world for everyone to share their life with as long as you’re open to finding that special person. I’ve always been an avid reader of romance and action books, so all of this led me to the birth of my debut novel, Eve's Destiny.

When did you know you wanted to write for a full-time job?
I plan to write full time in the future, especially when I enter retirement. Right now, I can only write part time because I still have a full-time job.

Have you done anything other than writing?
Yes, my background and education is in the sciences and computer programming. I am currently a Lab Systems Specialist with Covance Centrals Labs, in the Clinical Trials Division.

How long have you been writing?
I started writing Eve's Destiny in 2011, so I've been writing about 6 years now.

Tell me about your writing process.
This is something that I am still working on and will probably go a lot smoother with the second book. While writing Eve's Destiny, I didn't know what I was doing. Once I developed the baseline plot I just sat in front of the computer and starting typing all of the ideas that popped into my head. If I didn't have access to a computer I would write my ideas in a notebook and then type them up once I got home. The complete storyline didn't develop all at once, it changed and evolved over time as I delved deeper into the plot, but my mind kept coming up with future plots that could work in a sequel or a series. This affected what information I needed to include in this first novel so that the foundation of each of the characters was in place for the sequels. I was also doing a lot of research at the same time and would discover what I was and was not doing correctly. I then realized that I had all of this information typed up, but not in dialogue, so I had to go back and retype everything in that format. After that, the process started flowing much quicker. Once the first draft was completed I needed to read the entire manuscript to make sure the story flowed. I would print out the chapters to read and edit during commutes or any place where I had to time to kill. I repeated this process several times until I felt it was good enough to submit to a freelance editor. Once I was ready to start the publishing process, I solicited two friends, who are avid readers and can read a book in days. If they couldn't get through mine, then I knew it was back to the drawing board, but luckily for me, they both loved it and provided some edits along with their praise.

How do you deal with writer’s block?
Fortunately, I haven't had this issue with Eve's Destiny. However, there were times when I wasn't sure of the direction I wanted to take so in those situations, I would just reread some of my favorite passages, let my mind relax and reconnect with the characters.

What’s the best thing about being a writer?
The best thing about being a writer is having the ability to craft a story that readers enjoy, find comfort or take pleasure in. To create a world that readers can get lost in and escape their every day life, for just a little bit of time, is very gratifying.

Any advice for aspiring authors?
Start writing and don't stop writing. Never give up on yourself or your dreams and aspirations. I've been told by several people that they've always wanted to write a book and may even have the entire storyline in their heads, but they've never actually started the process. Many factors may come into play, not having enough time, don't have the confidence, or they're not sure of where to start. One thing is for certain, if you don't start writing and you don't believe in yourself, you won't produce a novel. So, start writing and don't be afraid to seek advice or help from other writers who have been through the same struggle. It took me several years to produce Eve's Destiny. I am new to this process and I'm am still learning. Also, life happens, so don't worry if the process doesn't happen at light speed. As long as you keep working on it, the end will arrive, and you will appreciate all of the struggles you endured to produce your work. I still pinch myself when I look at my book in print and that I can now call myself an author.